Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Season's first loss - and what a doozy!

I played my third game of the year with the Whalers last night.  Going in with two wins we felt pretty confident and managed to score the first goal pretty early in.  Then the wheels fell off... not for the team, but for me.  I let in a string of bad goals; cheating off the post too much, not having my stick square in my five hole, not keeping my stick on the ice while going down, not doing a proper pad slide on a breakaway.  My team responded well and increased the pressure on them and kept the game close, even trying it at one point, but I just couldn't keep my barn door shut and ended up letting in some pretty deflating goals at the wrong times in the game.  It was bad.

I don't know why it was so bad.  I mean I know what I did wrong in most scenarios, but they were things that I'm normally really good at - getting the angle, challenging aggressively, keeping the five hole closed.  The warm up went really well, so well in fact that I stopped early cause I wanted to leave it on a good note.  I kept trying to re-focus myself and get back to playing my game but something just wasn't working.

I'm not gonna focus on this for much longer.  I'm not gonna do the goal by goal analysis that I have normally done, and I'm not gonna try to come up with an excuse.  It was a bad night.  Done and gone.  I'm gonna bury it in the ice before I start the next game and move on with a better performance.

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