Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boing, boing!

That my friends, is the sound of me bouncing back.  Unfortunately it wasn't a game that meant anything, as I just rented some ice with the Whalers and some other friends.  Still, I had a really great night.  I stopped every single breakaway on me (and there were several), and made a bunch of nice positional and sliding saves.  My goalie counterpart commented afterwards how he noticed that my sliding seems to really have improved.  I also played around a little bit with a slightly different glove position during the game and it seemed to have big success.  My glove was pointed more to the side than slightly down how I used to hold it.  I made several glove saves with it in that position, and it just felt like I was covering more net with it that way, but that could be all in my head.

One of the big things I made sure to do this game was play VERY aggressively out of my crease.  I need to pay more attention to this in the future because it seemed to be a big factor last night.

Here's hoping I can continue this into next week!

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