Friday, October 29, 2010

Getting lazy!

Not in my playing, but in my posting.  I've played twice since my last post but have been too caught up in other things to write about them.

The first was just a pickup game.  The Whalers were a victim of bad scheduling, and had two weeks off in a row, so we organized a pick up game to keep ourselves from getting slack.  It was a fun game, typical pick up where you get a tonne of 2-1, and breakaways.  I played decent for the most part.  The part I was really impressed with myself for, was that I didn't allow a single goal on a breakaway!  That's a stat that doesn't happen for me very often.

Then on Monday this week the Whalers finally got back into action for real.  This was our first game post re-alignment, and were playing on of the teams that got moved down from a higher division, so we had no idea what to expect.

The game started off pretty good, with us scoring the first point.  Not too long later they came back to tie it.  It was a walk out from behind the net, and I played it well with a nice VH and made sure to make myself nice and tall.  He threw it at me, but then it tipped off one of my defenseman's sticks and skipped over my pad and trickled in on the far side.  I saw the whole thing happen but couldn't get my limbs in position to stop it.  Then I can't remember how it went, but we got two more, and so did they.  The first was a bad goal, if you can call any breakaway goal a bad goal.  I came out and challenged well, and read the deke, but for some reason I thought I was closer to my net than I was, and I didn't slide far enough.  He took the easy shot between me and the post.  The last goal was through a screen, and I had a piece of it between my glove and body, but enough got through and trickled into the net.

The team came back well after that, and scored two more for us to go on and win 5-3.  They had some good pressure at times, and it was a physically demanding game for me, but those are the fun ones.

I play again tonight, and will be looking to create a string of consistency.

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